The phacoemulsification training activity organized by the Ophthalmology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University received many attention from ophthalmologists and eye residents, so that in November 2021 the Grand Opening of the Phaco Training Center of the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University being held as an opening for phacoemulsification training activities that will be routine carried out in the following years.
The grand opening event was started by holding an online symposium for 2 consecutive days by presenting speakers from the Ophthalmology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, namely dr. Afrisal Hari Kurniawan, Sp.M(K), dr. A. Kentar Arimadyo Sulakso, M.Si.Med., Sp.M(K), dr. Andhika Guna Dharma, Sp.M(K), FICS, dr. Arief Wildan, M.Si.Med., Sp.M(K), dr. A. Rizal Fanany, Sp.M(K), Dr. dr. Trilaksana Nugroho, M.Kes, FISCM, Sp.M(K), dr. Wisnu Sadasih, Sp.M(K), and two external speakers, namely dr. Setiyo Budi Riyanto, Sp.M(K) and dr. Hadi Prakoso, Sp.M(K). This online symposium succeeded in attracting more than 100 online participants from all over Indonesia.